Updated: May 22, 2021
-Following an organic shape in reference to an actual birds nest. Considering the nests shown in Andy and Peter Holdens natural selection (https://www.artangel.org.uk/project/natural-selection/)
-Untitled (Bower) by Andy Holden. A nest built solely for the purpose of show, not egg laying. My nest is somewhat a mix of this and the idea of a nest as a home.

Initital drawings planning nest and its potential shape. Inspired by nests presented in 'Natural selection' (Peter and Andy Holden)

Nest collection presented at 'Natural Selection' by Peter and Andy Holden.
Updated: Jul 21, 2021
-Structure is built in the same way as my other nest sculptures except on a larger scale.
-Textiles are part of domestic nest and personal to me. A pass time over lockdown. In reference to the work of Vic Davy. LIMINAL SITES: MATERIALISING AN EVERYDAY.
-Personal materials fill a skeletal structure.
-Built in parts to move to studio.
-Incorpating candles as they are so important to my domestic space.
-organic structure.

Updated: Jul 21, 2021
-Bring the protection of the nest to the place I feel most comfortable
-Experiment with size and materials.
-Occupy and inhabit space
-PROCESS. Slow and selective building like a bird.
-Must work on structural integirty.
-Like a nest it may break and need to be fixed.
-Use of dometsic personal materials and nesting materials.
-Incense, candles, wax melts, blankets and slippers etc.
-Bringing the home nest into Uni as a protection.
-Accumulation. Magpies nest
-Hubert Duprat Caddis Fly Larvae: Like the larvae I am protecting myself with what is valuable and surrounding me. I will nest with whatever is around me as it becomes valuable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB7voZnqmOU MOTION OF NESTING.

-Joseph Beuys 'I Like America and America Likes Me!'. Living in the studio and inhabiting the space as a performance. Being like a bird.
-Keep in mind natural structures highlighted By Andy and Peter Holdens natural selection (https://www.artangel.org.uk/project/natural-selection/) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2qhrEku7UI. BOWER BIRD makes nest as art NOT as a place for eggs. Embrace the ways of the bower bird. Think of nest structures.