- Digging a circular space (considering the importance of the circle symbolically and its relation to nest structure) in which is can create imprints and casts of my body in different nesting positions.
-Experiment with different casting materials and positions.
-Thinking of Mendieta's work, I want to look at my physical impact and the impressions I leave on this planet. I want to give my body back to earth.
-The foetal position is used so I can return myself to the womb of nature in the same way as Mendieta.
-Video is successful in being meditative and calming with close up, intimate shots.
-HOWEVER the imprint and casting were unsuccessful as the soil wasn't deep or soft enough to create a proper impression. To correct this, I should build up the sides of the space and use more soft, fluffy soil.
-Try lot of different angles and best shot from far away.
-The use of my natural blanket as a prop.
-More soil and higher edges meant the imprints were far deeper and more defined. Could add more to make it even deeper.
-The final casts are very successful. They emulate something organic and fossil like. I want to experiment with how I can progress these and display them in a home and domestic context.
-Echos work of Ana Mendieta. Giving back to the earth.

Mendietas Silhuetta series (sand and water)

Silhouette in garden: giving myself back to the earth as an act of healing

Casts in soil imprints (plaster and soil)
Experimenting with camera angle