Updated: Apr 7, 2021
-Focussing particularly on magpie nest due to their use of shiny and manmade objects.
-These nests are built around existing structures in trees for support so I would create a skeleton for it to be built/ weaved around.
-The more sticks/ structure, the easier the nest is to weave.
-Weaving manmade objects like thread/ material strengthens the nest whilst connecting the natural materials to the materials from my home.

-Making the nest more oval and enclosed over the top to make it thrown like.
-More adapted to human inhabitants.
-Using vines instead of brittle sticks as they are more malleable and creates a webbed/ basket affect in which I can weave more sticks into.
-Embracing techniques of building that animals use is humbling and connects me to my natural instincts/ nature.

Updated: Apr 17, 2021
- After a suggestion at my formative review, I have decided to include more domestic items from my home nest. In the context of lockdown, the home and garden have become more nest like than ever before.
-In reference to a drawing I did at the beginning of this project, the blanket is designed to protect me from the chaos of the modern world by bringing a piece of my nest with me.
- Incorporating leaves and natural objects from my garden,.
-Technically, I struggled with sewing the leaves to the blanket and it became to difficult. Instead I used hot glue which wasn't ideal. In future id like to try and grow the plants from the blankets fibres to create an organic connection between the material and the plants.
-Layering the leaves creates a feather like texture, which is appropriate to the way I am trying to embrace the natural behaviours of animals.
-Inclusion of domestic items that are part of my home nest.
-Reference to the drawing at beginning of project. Bringing a piece of the nest with me wherever I go.
-Materials from indoor and outdoor spaces.
-Hot glue not ideal sewing is more preferable. DO THIS FOR NEXT BLANKET.
-Temporary work- give in to nature.
- Adding moss for a soft and comfortable feel and as it is found in abundance in garden.

Updated: Jul 21, 2021
- Digging a circular space (considering the importance of the circle symbolically and its relation to nest structure) in which is can create imprints and casts of my body in different nesting positions.
-Experiment with different casting materials and positions.
-Thinking of Mendieta's work, I want to look at my physical impact and the impressions I leave on this planet. I want to give my body back to earth.
-The foetal position is used so I can return myself to the womb of nature in the same way as Mendieta.
-Video is successful in being meditative and calming with close up, intimate shots.
-HOWEVER the imprint and casting were unsuccessful as the soil wasn't deep or soft enough to create a proper impression. To correct this, I should build up the sides of the space and use more soft, fluffy soil.
-Try lot of different angles and best shot from far away.
-The use of my natural blanket as a prop.
-More soil and higher edges meant the imprints were far deeper and more defined. Could add more to make it even deeper.
-The final casts are very successful. They emulate something organic and fossil like. I want to experiment with how I can progress these and display them in a home and domestic context.
-Echos work of Ana Mendieta. Giving back to the earth.

Mendietas Silhuetta series (sand and water)

Silhouette in garden: giving myself back to the earth as an act of healing

Casts in soil imprints (plaster and soil)
Experimenting with camera angle